New Pride Lulu Unicorno!

Pride Lulu Unicorno is here to show the world the beauty of being proud of who you are! Featuring a fierce look with holographic shine and sparkles, Pride Lulu Unicorno is looking fresh and ready for fun! Always have the courage to be proud of yourself with Pride Lulu Unicorno!

New Candy Unicorno Blind Box!

The Candy Unicorno can be found in their favorite place, the Candy Shop! The Candy Unicorno Blind Box Series features nine Unicorno inspired by classic yummy sweets, from sour to fruity and chocolate-y too! Satisfy your sweet tooth with tokidoki Candy Unicorno!


New Candy Unicorno - Bubble Pop (Special Edition)!

Bubble Pop Unicorno's favorite candy is classic bubble gum! Bubble Pop Unicorno likes to chew it while swimming through a gumball machine full of sweet bubblegum balls. Add some sweetness to your day with tokidoki Candy Unicorno - Bubble Pop (Special Edition)!

New Botanical Unicorno Blind Box!

Botanical Unicorno loves to play in potted plants and admire them while they grow and beautify our spaces! Botanical Unicorno Blind Box Series features nine Unicorno/house plant hybrids, from succulents to vines and more! Make a leafy friend and enjoy the stress-relieving joy of the plant world with the tokidoki Botanical Unicorno Blind Box!